Overwhelmed with Writer’s Block

So here I am, sitting here trying to think of something to write about. I have several tabs open, each a separate document waiting to be written, each with a couple of sentences. Nothing is ‘speaking to me’. Everything I start to write, I begin to think I’m not interested in it today, I don’t have anything to say about that subject, it feels like writer’s block.
I have always been of the belief that there is no such thing as writer’s block. What most people claim to be writer’s block, is only an excuse to procrastinate. There is no such thing as writer’s block because there are only choices. All you have to do is to make a decision and start writing. Now, is that going to be your best work or what you specifically want to write about, probably not, but you are writing and that begins the creativity process.


No Such Thing as Writer’s Block

OK, so then I hear you asking, “If there is no such thing as writer’s block, then how can you explain the fact that you are sitting there struggling with what to write about?” What most of us authors refer to as writer’s block is an opportunity to make a choice on what we want to write. I was sitting there struggling because the couple of ideas I began with didn’t excite me and I could’ve begin writing about them but I know I would’ve struggled with it and it would’ve been a chore to write. Instead, I chose something else (this article on writer’s block) and I found a connection and began writing.
When you are struggling with what to write about, realize that it is about choices and making connections. What do you connect with? Each day, the answer to this will be different; what may get you excited today, will not stir anything within you tomorrow. This is why it is wise to create a list of ideas, situations or scenes that you want to write, so you can call upon them when you need to.
Creating your list of ideas or scenes, always add to it but never delete from it. You can mark the ideas as something that you have used, so you don’t rehash the same scene over and over, making your stories cookie cutters. But don’t delete from your list because your mind is always working to improve on the ideas and you may find that something speaks to you when it hadn’t before.
Don’t feel as though you have to stick with writing only one thing. If inspiration finds you and you want to write something new, allow yourself to explore it. The exception to this is when you have a deadline but, deadlines have a way of boosting creativity and breaking through any writing slump (at least they do for me).



more difficult less difficult
IMG_1362 by: Sasquatch I is licensed under CC BY 2.0



Some people may have the opposite problem from writer’s block, writer’s overwhelm; having too many ideas. When this happens, they usually have too many ideas and don’t know where to start. Now many of us may think that they wish they had this issue but it is a problem and not as easily solved as you would think. Those who have struggled with writer’s block would think that if they had too many ideas, they would just pick one and begin writing then move on to the next but, it is not as easy as that.
When you are faced with too many ideas, it is a matter of feeling as though if you work on one idea, you can’t work on another or you may lose one of the ideas. Every idea looks great and like something that you would enjoy writing and you don’t have enough time to write about all of these ideas. Even when you are faced with too many ideas, there are a few techniques you can try that will help.
First off, who says you can’t work on more than one idea at a time? So often we think we are limited to working on only one idea at a time, when in reality that limitation is only something we impose upon ourselves, our minds are more than capable of multitasking.
Take a look at your ideas, are they all full and complete ideas or are some of them simply a part of an idea or an idea for a scene? If they are not a complete idea, save them for later or use them where they are appropriate.
Do you have enough information or research for this idea? Is the idea fully developed or simply just a part of something bigger that hasn’t completely formed yet? If it is not completely formed yet, is it something you can develop or should you let it ferment for a while?
Can more than one idea be combined? Sometimes what we think are multiple ideas are really parts of the same idea and if you combine them, the central idea becomes stronger. Many things can be combined and this can create new and different angles. This can also be a creative way to see your article from a different perspective.



Whichever the case may be, whether you are struggling to find an idea or you have too many ideas and don’t know where to begin, there is one overall grand rule that you must follow. That is you MUST write! Writing is the key, you won’t overcome writer’s block by sitting there staring at a flashing cursor. You can only overcome it by putting words on paper. It may not be the most productive of writing you will ever do but it will be something and by writing, you will force words to flow and push through the writer’s block or writer’s overwhelm.


So how do you get around “Writer’s Block”?

What do you think of the notion that there is no such thing as writer’s block?

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