10 Effective Ways to Deal with Failure

We all face it from time to time and we all want to avoid it as much as possible. Failure. As much as we try to do everything right and keep our projects running correctly, we can’t avoid it, we will fail. There is only one sure way to avoid failure and that is not doing anything at all; yet, that is the ultimate in failure because you haven’t even attempted anything. Failure is not necessarily a bad thing. We usually look at failure as the end of something. But instead, if we look at it as a teaching tool, we can benefit from it much more than if we view it as if there is no more hope. So here are 10 Effective Ways to Deal with Failure and use it as a positive application.

  1. Motivation – OK, so you failed, the next time you attempt your goal use that failure as motivation. Do not allow yourself to reach that point again. Accept nothing but success. When you are faced with failure for the second time on the same goal, that can be motivating. You’ve already been through the humiliation and the disappointment of falling short of your mark and you don’t want to go through it again. You can find the energy to push through the obstacles to finish your goal.
  2. Work Harder – So, the next time you attempt your goal, are you going to do things the same exact way? No and I would guess that you would look at where you were the weakest and put more effort into that area. Especially if you were quite close to success, you will naturally work harder to accomplish your goal. Working harder is simply just putting more effort forth and giving it all you have got. By working harder, you put more positive energy into your project.
  3. Meditation – When you fail, you should stop and take the time to think through your project. By meditating on your project, you can see where things fell apart and be able to correct them for the next time. Meditation doesn’t have to be anything more than focused thinking. Just take some time to think about your project, walk through the steps in your mind and see how it was going together and what worked and what didn’t. By thinking it through, you will have a better foundation next time you attempt it.
  4. New Vision – As you are thinking through things, you may find that your goal has changed, that is fine. You can create a new vision by adapting your goal into something bigger and better. This new vision will come about as a result of taking a close look at your goal and the steps you took. But, it will also generate new ideas and new goals
  5. Restructure – How are you going to do it differently this time? How will you restructure your goal to succeed? As you took a look at your goal did you see something that seemed out of place? Where would it work better? Having a different plan may be what you need to succeed.
  6. New Goal – You may discover a new goal, changing goals is not a bad thing. We all have to adapt from time to time. Your new goal can be adapted from the old one or it can be something completely different. Just because you chose to attempt a new goal, it doesn’t mean you have failed. It means that you have learned and adapted and decided to try for something better. The only failure is quitting and not attempting any goal.
  7. Perseverance – When you have failed and are attempting a second try, the fact that you didn’t complete it the first time will encourage you to keep pushing to make it through this time. Sometimes it is simply the sheer fact that you have decided not to give up that will help you to succeed. Setting your sights and not taking NO for an answer will get you through to the finish.
  8. Mentor – Sometimes, as you look at your goal and try to discover what went wrong, you may realize that you needed help along the way. Having a mentor, someone o guide you along the path can help point you in the right direction. A mentor will not do the work for you, nor will they tell you what to do, they will give you direction and make suggestions and allow you to take your own path. They will also hold you accountable for your actions or inactions and call you on your excuses.
  9. Teach – Just as you may need a mentor, there are others out there who can use the benefit of your experience. you can learn even more from teaching someone else. This also fosters a sense of giving back. As you teach others and see things from a fresh perspective, it can guide you and give you insight into processes that you had not noticed before. This can help you to see your goal in a different light and allow you to rediscover it.
  10. Rest – Failing at a goal allows you to pause and take a breath. Sometimes all we need to have the energy to complete a goal is simply a moment of rest. That moment of rest can be for our bodies and for our mind alike. But don’t fall into the excuse that you are resting as a way to get out of attempting another goal.


Take a look back over that list. You will notice that the words, ‘Give up’, ‘Sulk’, ‘Pout’, ‘Whine’, ‘Cry’, ‘Complain’, ‘Excuse’ or ‘Blame’ are not in the list. These are negative thoughts and expressions. Failing at something doesn’t have to be negative. Does it suck to fail at something, YES! We all want to succeed the first time out. We all want to be great. But how great we become depends upon how we accept failure. Failure doesn’t mean that it is the end of something, only the beginning of something new.


So how do you deal with failure?