10 Secrets Every Aspiring Writer Should Know

  Every aspiring writer believes that the publishing world is mysterious and can’t be cracked. While it can be difficult, it is not impossible. These few ideas can help to navigate the publishing waters.
It’s a numbers game – the more ‘doors’ you knock on the better your chances. Get out there and get known and show off your stuff.

    You are selling a product – you and your book are the products, you must sell them to make it in the business.
    You can market your products both online and off – you should develop a marketing plan to sell your products
    Build it and they will come – Build a following. Create an online presence and build a social media presence to sell your products. The bigger your following, the more publishers will take notice.
    Speaking offers opportunities – Speaking gives you publicity; an opportunity to sell books; another source of income; an audience to become part of your following
    Spend more time marketing than writing – you have to put more effort into marketing than you do in writing so your book gets in the hands of the people who need it.
    Find new magazines to sell to – Newer magazines can be more willing to publish new writers.
    You can write for online venues and make money – there are many opportunities to make money online.
    If you have a blog, write well – If you use your blog to talk about the funny things your cat does, it may be time to rethink careers, instead use it as an opportunity to showcase your writing by sticking to a subject that is relevant to your book.
    Write – the most common sense piece of advice is to write. The more you write and put your work out there, the better you will become and the faster you will be noticed.

So what are you top ten ideas for getting noticed in the publishing world?