7 Effective Ways to Push Hard to Reach the Finish

  Accomplishing a goal is a lot like running a race. You have to prepare for it in the same way do running a race.If you keep in mind some of the same tactics for getting through a race, you can get through your challenges and accomplish your goal too.
  You begin relaxed, chatting with others who are attempting the same thing you are. You begin to think that you have this in the bag, it should be easy. By the time you reach the end or the finish line, you are wondering what the hell you were thinking, you have no energy left and are ready to give up and throw in the towel. It’s amazing the change of attitude and change of focus that can take place in such a short amount of time. Following these steps, you can prepare yourself for what is to come and push through it.

  1. Training / Preparation – Just as you train in running and you get out on a regular basis and go through the motions to get better, you do the same to accomplish your goal. You prepare by learning the skills you need; getting things organized.
  2. Pacing yourself – In running, if you go out of the gate too fast, you will spend all of your energy and won’t have any left for later on as you get closer to the finish. If you put so much energy into your goal at the beginning, you will burn out quickly. This is easy to do because you are excited and have grand visions but, you need to keep your excitement in check.
  3. Challenges / Hills – No matter what kind of race a runner is in, the dread the hills but, they are the challenge that runners also enjoy. When you are attempting to complete a goal, you will face challenges. When you come across them, they will seem insurmountable but, as you overcome them, you will feel a sense of pride in the accomplishment. Just as a runner tackles hills by maintaining a steady pace and continuing to move forward, you need to do the same. When faced with your challenges, keep making slow and steady progress, don’t lose momentum. You will overcome it and realize that it was difficult but you made it.
  4. Long boring section – In a race you have parts where you feel like the race will never end and that the section you are on goes on for ever. You face this also when you are attempting a goal. How you face this long boring monotonous section is important. At this stage, you are being tested, ‘How bad do you want this?’ or are you too willing to give up? The key here is to have fun, set smaller goals and keep moving forward. Find what motivates you through this time and use that to build energy. Put in a little extra energy, work a little extra harder. Enjoy it and have fun with the process but, keep moving towards your goal.
  5. Home stretch / last mile – Sometimes that last mile seems to be the longest and the furthest away. Other times you just don’t know how close you are or how far away the finish is. At this point, you just want to rest, you want a break, but don’t, if you rest now, you will lose the energy and momentum that will carry you to the finish.
  6. Turning the corner / end in sight – This is what you’ve been waiting for, the end is in sight but, it’s not over yet. Don’t relax, don’t give up now. This is not the time to relax, soon but not yet. Survey the situation to see how you can prepare for a strong finish. Look for any final obstacles in your way then, give it all you’ve got.
  7. The Finish – This is what you’ve been waiting for! But, finish strong, find all of your remaining energy and push as hard as you can. Give it everything you can. You are welcome to collapse or puke at the end but, you can’t slow down now. Listen to those around you cheering you on, that is what you’ve been waiting for. That is what makes everything worth it.

  I was going to finish it there but then I realized that there are two more things to achieve:
  Celebrate! You did it! You accomplished what you set out to do, whether that was running a race or a goal you set for yourself. You finished and achieved it, way to go!
  Sign up for the next one. Sign up for your next race or set yourself another goal. If you are always setting a new goal, you will never get lazy and you will be achieving much more than most people.
  Whether you are running a race or you have set yourself any type of a goal, you can accomplish it. We only limit ourselves by our own mind and thoughts. However we also limit ourselves by our own imagination or lack of it. You can let your mind convince you that you are not capable of something or you can hear what your mind is trying to tell you and then go out and show it differently. In this way, through goals and accomplishments, you can reprogram the negative thoughts in your mind and teach it what you are capable of.
  As human beings, we limit ourselves in so many ways. To overcome this, when you do achieve an accomplishment whether it is a goal you set or a race you have run, keep a record of it, a success journal. Include your thoughts, feelings and impressions, including as many details as possible. This will help when you when you attempt your next goal, by reflecting upon it.

So what do you do to push yourself harder when achieving a goal?