How far have you come?

How far have you come?


Too often we human beings look at life the wrong way. We will often look at what we don’t have rather than what we have accomplished. when faced with a challenge, we look at everything we have to do and lament that it is too much to handle. Instead, we need to look at how far we have come.


It’s kind of like when you are running, instead of looking at a hill and saying, “I can’t make that.” we need to glance over our shoulder and say, “WOW! look at how far I have come!” To continue the running analogy, the way to finish any race, is to continue to put one foot in front of the other.


We focus on the negative, how far we have to go. Instead we should focus on the positive, how far we have come. Every challenge has a beginning and an end. If we are only looking at how much more we have to accomplish, it will never look like we will finish. But, if we continue to look at what we have done, with each step, we will see that we have completed so much more.


So how do we change our mindset? Here are a few things we can do:

  • Avoid the negative. Quit thinking of how much there is to accomplish.
  • Focus on the positive. Look at how far you have come.
  • Have gratitude. Thank those along the way who help you.
  • Be proud of yourself. Congratulate yourself for your accomplishments.


It takes determination. Changing your attitude does not come easy or cheap. It takes a LOT of hard work. Along with that hard work, you need to have determination and be persistent in your actions. This alone can be the main determining factor of your success. If you are not determined and persistent, you will NOT succeed.


Are you ready to give up? If you give up, everything that you have worked for, is lost. All the effort and hope you have put in is gone. You can give up, by all means, that is your choice. But once you make that decision, it is over, you have lost everything.


Don’t give up hope too soon. If you do, your dreams and goals will collapse around you. Hope breathes fire into your desires. It is what keeps you going and builds your passion. It allows you to hold onto the belief when everyone else has abandoned it.


You can choose your attitude. That attitude determines the outcome of what you wish to accomplish. You will be tested during this time. The brick walls that you run into, are there to see how bad you want it. You will face challenges that will test your attitude, your patience, your hope and your determination. You must continue to make the correct choices, holding onto your hope and be determined to complete what you set out to accomplish, no matter what the circumstances are.


So, how far have you come? How determined are you? How far are you willing to go?