How to Write a Blog Post Your Tribe will Love

  Sometimes, as a blogger, you can put so much effort into writing a post that you think will be absolutely wonderful, which everyone will love, only to discover that it didn’t go over as well as you had hoped. So what can you do to ensure your readers will love your blog post?
  The first thing you want to start out with is a killer headline. If you can’t attract their attention and pull them in, you will never encourage them to read. Begin practicing copy writing. Find a book on creating headlines and begin writing them as often as possible. As you improve, so will your readership.
  When you write your post, make sure to format it, this will help them to read and understand the post better. It also makes it look better and more professional. They will be able to scan it easier and if they like what they see, may continue reading.
  Stay current or even ahead of the times. Nothing is worse than an outdated blog post that is no longer relevant. This is why it can be an advantage to go back and update older posts, adding in details to bring it current. This can also increase the page views.
  Always end your blog posts with an open-ended question. This will invite your readers and encourage them to engage in conversation, with you and with one another. When you do this, you begin to build community and as you do, the popularity of your blog grows.
  One of the biggest advantages to asking a question at the end of your blog posts is what you can learn. As you and your readers engage in conversation that is brought on by the question you asked, they will often mention things they are having problems with, what they’d like to see or need help with. This is an utter gold mine of information for you. If you take this information and provide it to them, you will continue to offer them what they are looking for.
  As you write your blog posts, provide resources for them, help out your readers and give them links to resources and information that will help them, doing so, you will be seen as an expert and they will come to rely on you.
  All of these suggestions should help to improve your readership.

So what suggestions do you have for writing a blog post that readers will love?