How to Make a Choice to Start Your Day off Right

I woke up pissed off this morning. Nothing really happened. It is just that as I was waking up, my mind picked up on some negative thoughts and instead of thinking logically about them, my imagination took hold of it and helped it to grow. “So what?” you say, “You’re awake now, you can change how you are thinking.” That’s true but, you have a choice, you can dwell on it for the rest of the day and allow it to cloud your thoughts and actions, affecting the outcome of your day. The other part of that is, you can let it go and select how your day will go.


Too often, we look at negative thoughts as something that we just have to accept as a way of life. We think that if we wake up feeling a certain way, then that is how the day is going to be. If we allow our imagination to create circumstances that are make believe and we buy into it, then we are setting ourselves up for failure. We are accepting that what we imagined is real and that we are going t allow it to shape our day and our lives. Yet at any moment throughout the day, we have the ability to change it. Just as we have the ability to choose what the day will be like when we roll out of bed.


Choosing to change it is a conscious effort that we need to make. it is a choice that we have. As most things, it is easier said than done. You have to decide not to accept the make believe reality that your imagination is trying to feed you. Your imagination will try to convince you that it is real, it will build upon the emotions that you have concerning the thoughts and use your anger and hate to strengthen itself.


Instead, if you decide to not accept it. you may need to flat out refuse to acknowledge  what your mind is trying to tell you. Just because the thought is coming to you, it doesn’t mean that you have to accept it. What if a friend or a coworker tried to tell you these things? I would guess that you wouldn’t be friends for long. So why are you accepting it from another source? You can tell your mind, “NO!” in fact, that can be one of the most liberating things you can do.


Deciding to make a choice and change how you wake up in the morning not only affects your day but your life as well. it may not be an easy thing to do and you may feel like you are fighting with yourself but, it is something you need to do. The truth is, you are fighting with yourself, you are battling against your mind and trying to teach it to supply you with accurate, positive information. If you allow it to feed you negative, draining beliefs, then it will think that you want more of that and supply it.


So how do you battle negative thoughts?