Building your brand

Building a brand takes consistency and help.

In this world of online businesses and social media, branding is more important than ever. It takes time to build up your brand and most of that is simply completed through consistent effort. You want to maintain the look feel and design of your brand and continue to promote that the same way all of the time. The more you are consistent with this, the more you will become noticed. Every time you interact with anyone, it is an opportunity to get your name and your brand out there. You don’t have to force it down someone’s throat, you only have to let it be seen. In fact, it is preferable that you don’t force it on anyone and simply allow it to be subtle. Even though it is subtle, it still gets noticed and recognized and you want your fans to recognize you just by your design and brand.

As you build your brand and your business, you will need help. The help you find may either be people you rely on regularly while others will be people you only turn to once in a while. You can have many different types of people helping you, performing many different functions. Most of these will be administrative in some way and when you start out, you will most likely find someone that can take on the tasks and then replace them with a professional when money allows.


HELP by: marc falardeau is licensed under CC BY 2.0


Finding Help

Other people that you may rely on are Mentors, Coaches and Mastermind groups. Mentors and Coaches are a lot alike and perform many of the same functions. Mentors usually teach you or guide you through your chosen field. They offer guidance when needed and teach you along the way. Coaches often work on one specific area to improve. Whether it is to improve your speaking, your business or your organizing abilities. They are used to learn one individual task, so you can improve quickly or to get you out of a rut. Mentors are often in it for the long haul and usually on a volunteer basis, to give back. Where as Coaches are hired for a specific amount of time or for a specific job. Each of these helpers have a specific function and can perform their work either in person or online via video chat or over the phone.

Mastermind groups are essentially groups of people that you get together for a specific reason. Most often, you will gather these people to either brainstorm creative ideas, create projects or to support one another in each others businesses. When you form a group such as this, it is a good idea to explain the reason you are gathering and lay out a few rules to follow. Also once your group helps you, make sure you are giving back to them in some way. They need to be compensated for their help even if it is simply a thank you.

These ideas can help you build your brand and get your name out their and grow your business. The idea is to be consistent with your actions.


What have you done to build your brand?

What problems have you ran into with building your brand?