Find the joy in writing again

  Love writing again. As authors, we get so caught up in the correct way to write that we forget about the fact that writing is supposed to be fun. Instead it has become work rather than a hobby. But, I can hear you saying that you want to become great and make money too. Well that can be possible but it will take changing your outlook on things and how you approach writing.

  You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. The only way to become truly accomplished at something is to love it, otherwise you wouldn’t devote the time needed. Also, the passion isn’t instilled in your writing and it will show through your work. But if you are too focused on the mechanics and the drudgery, you are falling out of love with it.
  There is a difference between doing something and becoming accomplished. Anyone can write and put a story together, some of them may even be good. But it takes someone special, like yourself, to become accomplished. When you are an accomplished author, you stand out above everyone else. There is excellence there, not just mediocrity, anyone can be average. Being accomplished means putting forth the effort and striving to only give the best you can. This does not mean perfection, it means excellence. Perfectionism is only an excuse to procrastinate. Excellence is putting your best work out there and letting it survive on its own merit.
  We need to love writing again. Do you remember when you first discovered writing and when you simply wrote out of sheer enjoyment, not worrying about structure or agents or markets? You just told the story, and they were beautiful stories which sparked your imagination and whisked you off to amazing worlds.We worry too much about mechanics. We have forgotten the joy of writing. We need to relearn how to create those amazing worlds.
  Tell the story. Enjoy the adventure, both the adventure within your fictional story and the adventure of writing. Remember what it is like to be a storyteller. Write for your own pleasure and enjoyment. Find joy in writing again.

  So how do you find the joy in writing?