Focus on what you can control

  People are natural worriers. We begin to fret over the smallest of things which does nothing but add stress to our lives and most of us have enough of that. As authors, many times we struggle to get published or even to get our foot in the door.
  We worry about these things when we have no control over the things that are happening to us. When we focus on what we can’t control, then we are wasting our energy. This is energy that can be put to much more constructive use.
  We should only worry about that which we CAN control. Those things that we have some ability to change. If we focus on these things, the effort we put in is not lost. We can attempt to make positive changes simply because we have the ability to create change. Because of this, our efforts are positive and our thoughts should be focused on that.
  Many of us still worry about the outcome, but we shouldn’t worry about it. We will be taken care of, things will work out for us. Because we are working towards positive change. That doesn’t mean what you have written is good and doesn’t need to be improved. In other words, we shouldn’t ignore advice that is given to us.
  We still need to put in the effort that is required and accept the information that is given to us. We only need to change our outlook so that we work towards something that is for our benefit instead of wasting effort or energy worrying about things that won’t improve our situation.
  So when you begin to worry about something, ask yourself, “What about this can I change to make my situation better?”

So what situations are you in that you need to change how you look at it?