How to Get Started when You Don’t Know Where to Begin

  Sometimes, know how to do something isn’t always the problem. At times, knowledge isn’t the issue, in this connected world, you can learn anything rather quickly, it only takes a little bit of research.
  The problem arises when you either become overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin because you are faced with information overload or you don’t know what to build this information around. That is, what product to introduce.

  Sure people say to find your audience’s needs and fulfill them. Many times that is easier said than done. People aren’t always clear on what their issue is and sometimes, they may not even know what it is.

  People may not even realize what their problem is until you point it out to them. More to the point, they may not know how to express that problem until you give them the answer.

  Sometimes you have to go looking for the problem. You can do this by taking a look at what you have for an answer and see if people are having problems that are solved by this answer. When you go looking for their problems, ask questions, get involved in conversations and learn. When you ask questions, make sure the majority of them are open-ended so as to encourage conversation. Become a detective and dig further into the issue through questioning. As you dig, you will continue to learn more and more about the problem.

  Once you have dug into the issue and began to learn the underlying concerns, you can then begin to search for unique ways to solve the issue. One of the things you can do is look at other solutions that are out there and as part of your conversations, you can ask questions about those and why they aren’t a viable solution. With this information, you can then begin to create your solution to solve the problem which will hopefully cover many of the complaints that people face.

  As for the information overload, many people claim that if you follow their program that you will be able to get a business running. The truth is that is most likely a combination of several tactics that will give your business structure. Break everything down and start at the easiest part possible. If you begin by getting involved in conversations by asking questions and discovering other solutions out there, you will naturally move into the next stage. You may even find some people asking you for what they need.

  The main idea is to just begin. Start doing something, don’t just read and study but take action. Don’t get me wrong, you should always be learning something. But, take action, you will learn more and you will grow faster by taking action than not. When you get stuck and not sure where to go, ask a question or two and see where it leads you.

So what are you stuck on?