How to tell a story your readers will love.

  Stories, we all love a good story. Have you ever noticed, when someone begins to tell a story, they capture everyone’s attention? This holds true whether you are telling a story through speaking or through writing.
  While capturing your audience’s attention is one huge advantage, there are many others. Another big advantage is the fact that while your audience may forget the point you were trying to convey in your speech or in your writing and they may even forget you after a time; however, they will never forget your story.
  Stories, when told or written to make a point, are often very short and to the point. They do not need a large build up, only enough information to allow the imagination to take over. That is one of the main keys of a well told story, give enough to allow the imagination to grow and create the scene.
  Stories are much easier to tell when it is something that you either lived through or a story you are familiar with. Stories that you create from scratch can be done and quite well, but they can be harder to get just right.
  Keep your cast of characters small and different. Too many characters and too many that are similar either in name or description and your audience will be confused. Along with this, keep your actions to just a few. You don’t want your characters doing a million different things, your audience will be lost.
  Add description, paint pictures for your audience. But leave some for the imagination. If you are telling your story verbally, don’t be afraid to add in some gestures, movements or even act it out and change character voices. All of this will draw your audience in.
  Read over fairy tales and fables and practice with them and with your own story. When you practice, practice A LOT! Be prepared. Enjoy the experience, have fun telling the story and watch how you capture their attention.

So what suggestions do you have for telling a story?