Learning to daydream

You have to think about what you are offering or creating but, what do you think about?

A lot of what you think about will depend upon what you are creating but there are some common themes or jumping off points where you can begin. A large part of thinking about things is simply dreaming and visualizing. When you dream, you create. When you visualize, you observe. It can be a hard aspect to re-gain but if you take it step by step it is something that you are able to put into motion and will benefit you greatly.
  Do you remember back during school days, sitting in a classroom staring out the window and daydreaming? Those were the days. It also seemed to be the exact time that the teacher called upon you to answer a question to which you had absolutely no idea how to answer, let alone what they were talking about. However, during those beautiful daydreams, you were able to imagine some of the most wonderful adventures or ideas. So why is it such a struggle to be able to even devote some time to thinking now when you’d like to?

80/365 The Daydreamer By: martinak15 is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Time is the biggest culprit, we just don’t take the time. It is not that we don’t have enough time, rather it is that we don’t make it important enough to set aside the time for it. The other advantage that we had then was boredom. Whenever the topic in class no longer held our interest, our minds would drift. We don’t allow our minds to drift, we think of something and then immediately our minds jump to another thought, never getting any rest.

Overcome Obstacles

  So how do we overcome these obstacles? The first thing to do is to make the task of thinking, an important one, make it something that you want to devote yourself to. You can begin by setting aside some time to quiet yourself and think. Even if you have to schedule that time to be able to set it aside. Now this may seem to defeat the spontaneous quality that daydreaming holds but, it is a way to train yourself to daydream again. The more you set aside time to think and dream, the more used to the concept your mind will become. Once it becomes more used to it, the more natural daydreaming will be.
  As your mind drifts away from the daydream, gently bring it back and remind it to think on the one subject you have in mind. This is another reinforcement technique that you need to change or adjust. Your mind is so used to jumping from one subject to another after only a few seconds of thought, never fully completing the thought. It is now your responsibility to tell your mind that you want to stay on one subject. This is not an easy take and even if you do get side-tracked and begin thinking of other things, just bring it back around to the thought you want to focus on.
  If you find yourself waiting, whether in line, traveling, on a bus or whatever, resist the temptation to distract yourself by looking at your phone or the Internet or anything else, instead take the time to stare out the window and daydream.
  In these instances where you do find yourself randomly daydreaming, don’t force it and don’t manipulate it, take it as it comes. In other words, don’t think that you have to be thinking about a specific subject, allow your mind to roam, it may surprise you. If nothing else, you may begin to recapture some of that wonderful feeling of being a kid again and imagining great things.

Imagine Possibilities

  When you daydream about something, you create, you imagine possibilities. You have no boundaries. You allow your mind to wander and discover new creations. When you visualize something, you are observing. You look at a situation to see how it fits together and how things work together. You are essentially replaying a movie in your mind. As you go through this movie, you will see inconsistencies, there will be gaps, parts that don’t match up or the flow is wrong.
  As you see these inconsistencies you will focus on them, looking at them with a magnifying glass to discover why the inconsistency doesn’t work. You will continue to replay that part of the movie back and forth, trying new things to see what may correct it. You may not always get an answer right away, sometimes you will need to resort to other tactics to solve the issue.
  It is at this point that you want to do several things. Look at your problem and write out all of the possibilities you can think of that may solve the issue. Then absorb all of the information you can that could lend itself to a solution for the issue at hand. This includes looking at unrelated ideas, thoughts, fields and absorbing everything you can. Then spend time meditating on the problem. Eventually, you will gain some insight into how to solve the issue. As you do, you can continue to visualize the process to see how everything fits together and what other changes need made. Continue to allow yourself to daydream during this process.

Children playing at Greenwich Park 4 by: Visit Greenwich is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Children playing at Greenwich Park 4 by: Visit Greenwich is licensed under CC BY 2.0

  Also, allow yourself and your mind some down time. Time to relax. Go play, exercise or run, get away from it all, this can often be when inspiration will strike and you will gain the insight you have been searching for. Your mind works best when it is idle and relaxed, not when you are forcing it to think.
  So just take some time to sit and think, it doesn’t matter what you think about, only that you think or rather that you simply just daydream. Through daydreaming, you will discover new ideas, new possibilities and fine tune what ever creative project you are working on. If you need some inspiration, you can look here for other posts I’ve written on daydreaming.


So what do you daydream about?

How have you harnessed your ability to daydream?