Imagine for a second…

How to write blog headlines that your readers will love.

  Headlines capture you readers attention and draw them in, wanting more or they can turn them away, never to return. So how do you craft a headline that attracts your readers like ants to a picnic?
  Many of us as we get our blog post written and ready to be published, quickly throw together a headline, not giving it much thought. Sometimes we try to capture attention by making the headline cute or funny, believing that everyone will get the joke. They don’t. Other times, we throw up a headline that gives a bit of a clue about the subject matter but is so dry and boring that nobody is interested in reading any further.
  We should be spending more time on crafting the headline than we do on the blog post, or at least the same amount of time. The headline is arguably the most important part of the post because, if it does not capture the reader’s attention and draw them in, then they quit reading.
  So what can we do if we are not expert copywriters and can’t afford to hire one? The answer is simple, write the headlines ourselves. I will show you a few easy ways to do so.
  While there are several very good books out there on the subject, you can begin on your own. The first step is to begin by creating what is called a swipe file. To create a swipe file, you start a document where you save headlines you find and that you like. I would begin by looking at magazines that have sharp headlines that you like.
  Write down the headlines and save them. Most of them will say something like, “How to ___ so you can ____”. Continue to collect these headlines. All you have to do when you need a headline is to replace a few of the words so they match with what you are selling or writing about.

So how do you create headlines?

8 Simple Steps to Blog from any Passion.

  Blogging is a format that many people are attracted to. At the beginning, they believe that it is an easy way to make money and get noticed. Many people start out with fire, they begin writing and publishing posts filled with excitement. Then after a while, the excitement burns out as they do and the posts become less and less frequent. Eventually they stop logging altogether.
  I have included simple steps anyone can follow to begin blogging, no matter what your passion is. Sometimes as you continue blogging, you can discover what your passion is.

    Have something to say – even if your blog is a collection of random thoughts, make sure that each post holds a message.
    Post consistently – have a posting schedule and let your readers know what that schedule is, then stick to it.
    Be active in your field – stay up to date on the going on in your field whether that is new technology or comments or news, know what is happening
    Add information of value – As long as you are providing value, your audience will keep coming back.
    Stick to one topic – One main topic and one or two sub topics at the most. We can’t be expected to stick to just one subject but, even the sub-topics should relate back to the main topic.
    Create a list of blog post ideas and titles – This should be a dynamic list that you should add to consistently. These ideas and titles will help you to create blog posts when the excitement begins to wane.
    Have 3 months of blog posts waiting in the wings – These are only to be posted when life gets in the way and you have no other choice. You should also replenish this file when needed. That way, you will never run out of something to post.
    Schedule your posts – If you work ahead of schedule and set your posts up to publish at specific times, you will be more in control and able to keep the blog flowing.

  There are eight simple steps that will get you started and keep you moving towards becoming a blogger.


So what other steps would you suggest for blogging from your passion?