Writing times

  Writing times. There are 24 hours in the day, so you would think that we would be able to find a couple of those hours to sit and write. But inevitably, we don’t, we waste away the day and then we wonder what happened and why didn’t we just sit and write. Sure we claim that everything else that we are doing is important, but is it really? Don’t we just find ourselves justifying our actions to make ourselves feel better about not writing?

  Many of us have a set time of the day that is our time of the day to write. For me, I prefer the morning. Sure, I can write late at night and sometimes that is nice because it is quiet, the day is over and I have been thinking about things for some time. Then, there are times late at night when I’m tired, I can’t think straight, I have no ideas on what to write about; yet, I still have to write. It is times like these when you discover that you can push through and continue writing until you have accomplished your goal.

  I prefer the mornings, it can still be quiet, my mind is usually awake, I often have a few ideas that my mind worked on while I slept. Besides, writing can be a good reason to justify why I can’t go running first thing in the morning. See, I knew there were advantages to writing in the morning. Through it all however, I do feel more productive in the morning.

  So if we know when we are more productive, then why don’t we make sure we sit and write at those times? The easy answer is that life gets in the way. There are not always times that I can sit down to write first thing. I may have to run off somewhere and by the time I get home, there are a hundred other things that have gone through my mind which need done and writing is not always one of them. The more difficult answer to that question is, that we procrastinate. We find any excuse that we can to not do something. There are times that we don’t even know why we do it. So the best thing we can do is to look for a solution.

  That solution is simply picking a time to write, whatever works best for you. For me that is the morning. Then you have to do everything you can, including forcing yourself to stick to that, it would be in your best interest. Try to keep from procrastinating and just sit and write. In those instances when life does get in the way, deal with it. That is, have a backup plan. Perhaps find the second best time that works for you to write and set aside that time. But whatever helps, stick to it.

  So what is the best time for you to write and what works to keep you on track?